Popeye: A Memoir of Cultural Barbarian

Popeye: A Memoir of Cultural Barbarian

Trade Paperback Price: $19.95
Release Date: Now Available
ISBN: 9781938473319

Book Description

POPEYE: A MEMOIR OF A CULTURAL BARBARIAN, dubbed “Forest Gump meets Jack Kerouac,” chronicles Tom Hickey’s colorful life and growing struggles with alcohol addiction, mental health, and numerous suicide attempts. From his Irish Catholic midwestern upbringing, raucous college years, European cultural barbarianism, life in Poland behind the Iron Curtain, raising a family out West, and the Great Recession, to his current mental health issues, addictions, and homelessness, POPEYE is a page-turner. Not intended to cure or caution, POPEYE merely tells the tale of one man’s life in his own words as if he were sitting on the stool next to you.

About the Author

Thomas J. Hickey is a fourth generation Cub’s fan who grew up Irish Catholic in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and attended the College of St. Thomas in St.Paul, Minnesota. He has raised millions for charities including the Jackson Hole Community Counseling Center only for himself to also struggle with addiction and depression. A proud parent of two adult children (Gina and Luke), Hickey currently lives a transient existence on the Florida Panhandle.